New Zealander Liam Lawson will race for Red Bull alongside world champion Max Verstappen next season after the decision to drop Sergio Perez, the Formula One team confirmed Thursday."I am super excited to work alongside Max and learn from a world champion, I have no doubt I will learn from his expertise.
Valtteri Bottas will return to Mercedes next season as a reserve driver in the wake of Mick Schumacher's decision to leave, the constructor announced Thursday. Bottas experienced three difficult seasons in the Alfa-Romeo team, renamed Sauber, finishing tenth in the drivers' standings in 2022, 15th in 2023, and 22nd with no points last season.
Sergio Pérez and Red Bull Racing have “reached an agreement to part ways for 2025”, with Liam Lawson confirmed as his replacement to race alongside world champion Max Verstappen next year.
Lawson will team up with Formula One world champion Max Verstappen.