Olympic 200m champion Letsile Tebogo saw his iron grip on the event slip in defeat by Kenny Bednarek at the Diamond League finals in Brussels on Saturday."But being able to end the season with a victory in the Diamond League final gives me a lot of confidence for next year."
Juventus were held to a goalless draw at Empoli in Serie A on Saturday ahead of their return to the Champions League, while Bologna came back from two goals down to draw 2-2 at Como.Earlier debutant Samuel Iling-Junior saved Bologna ahead of their first ever match in the Champions League with the late equaliser in their 2-2 draw at Como.
Bayern Munich maintained their perfect start to the season and jumped to the top of the Bundesliga table after hammering newly-promoted Holstein Kiel 6-1.Xavi Simons hit the bar, and Union goalkeeper Frederik Ronnow saved a Lois Openda penalty and a David Raum free kick to frustrate the hosts, who couldn't maintain their perfect start to the season.