Patton Kizzire posted an eagle and three birdies in a final-round 70 on Sunday to win the US PGA Tour Procore Championship, his first trophy in more than six years."It feels so good," said the 38-year-old American, who claimed his third tour title, his first since the 2018 Sony Open.
US captain Stacy Lewis could feel the tension rise as match after match the Americans struggled late on Sunday before finally capturing their first Solheim Cup since 2017.Lewis praised her players for tenacity and fortitude in tension-packed situations.
Spain's Jon Rahm fired four birdies -- including a 12-footer at the 17th -- to win LIV Golf Chicago on Sunday and clinch the Saudi-backed circuit's individual season title worth $18 million.Rahm, who hasn't finished outside the top 10 in 11 events, arrived at Bolingbrook Golf Course near Chicago this week with Joaquin Niemann -- a two-time winner this season -- his only rival for the season title.