Marc Marquez revelled in the rain which helped him win Sunday's San Marino MotoGP as weather confusion allowed Francesco Bagnaia to slash the Jorge Martin's championship lead."As soon as it started to rain I saw Jorge enter the pit, I said 'I don't need to take any risk, he will not take any points'," said Ducati rider Bagnaia who recovered from his initial disappointment of being outclassed on his home track by Marquez.
Marc Marquez won the San Marino and Rimini Riviera MotoGP on Sunday while Francesco Bagnaia closed in on championship leader Jorge Martin whose gamble on pitting for rain tyres came with a heavy cost.The primary beneficiary was Ducati rider Bagnaia, who is now only seven points behind Martin in the championship standings despite being outdone by Marquez on his home track.
Jorge Martin claimed a statement victory in Saturday's sprint race at the San Marino and Rimini Riviera MotoGP, extending his overall lead over reigning champion Francesco Bagnaia with a stunning performance.Two-time champion Bagnaia is riding with injuries to his shoulder, neck and collarbone after crashing out of last weekend's Aragon MotoGP but looked in great form before Martin left him for dust.
Jorge Martin won the sprint race at the San Marino and Rimini Riviera MotoGP on Saturday and extended his overall lead over reigning champion Francesco Bagnaia.The 27-year-old had finished second in the sprint and GP at four of the last five events and his display on Saturday means he cannot be overtaken in the standings this weekend by Bagnaia, regardless of what happens in Sunday's race. td/ea