
How to wear white T-shirts for work, play and everything in between - plus the 10 best to buy

best white tshirt
Why a white T-shirt is a workwear must-haveRed

A key pillar of any woman's wardrobe, the best white T-shirts are comfortable, versatile and usually very affordable. In 2023, this staple is appropriate for work, play and everything in between; it dresses down formal outfits and gives relaxed looks a pulled-together polish.

The perfect white T-shirt, however, is a bit of an enigma. This jersey basic should be simple and effortless, something you just throw on without even trying (cool girls and supermodels seem to have this look nailed). But in reality, it's really hard to find the one...

paris, france march 05 a guest wears black sunglasses, gold micro earrings, a white t shirt, a pale yellow shiny leather buttoned coat, a pale yellow quilted embossed pattern scarf from jil sander, beige suit pants, a beige braided leather large jodie handbag from bottega veneta, a black shiny leather nailed studded belt, white leather with black suede logo sneakers from adidas , outside lanvin, during paris fashion week womenswear fall winter 2023 2024, on march 05, 2023 in paris, france photo by edward berthelotgetty images
Edward Berthelot

How to find the perfect white T-shirt

In my opinion, the perfect white T-shirt doesn't exist. There are what I would consider perfectly fitting white T-shirts – slim but not clingy, with a weighty enough jersey to drape nicely and prevent bra lines – but ultimately it depends on what you need one for.

There are two types: facilitators and solo stars. The former works hard in your wardrobe, providing an excellent layering base and making other staples sing, whereas the latter stands out as a piece on its own.

Solo stars are cut to create a dramatic silhouette, or have statement features like a tie-waist (we love Leem’s) or asymmetric hemline.

best white t shirt women
Edward Berthelot

And as for those hard-working facilitators? Bodycon styles underpin sleeveless dresses and blazers nicely. A cropped T-shirt is ideal for wearing with high-waisted trousers and skirts, allowing you to forgo all the bulkiness of tucking. Alternatively, you can invest in a T-shirt bodysuit which will achieve the same thing but without exposing any skin.

If you had to invest in one, make it that perfect-fitting one I’ve mentioned up top. I swear by Uniqlo U’s £14.90 version – I have 10 on rotation.

best white t shirt women
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How to wear a white T-shirt to work

Even before flexi working became the norm, stuffy shirting, court shoes and pencil skirts were on their way out for most offices. The new workwear dress codes are smart/casual, which is a confusing term in itself – and that’s before you’ve got to deciphering what it means.

Luckily, this dress code conundrum can be easily solved with a trusty white T-shirt. Conjure up ideas of traditional workwear, swap in a tee and you’ve got a modern office look. Trouser suits? Midi skirts? A blazer? Cigarette pants? A slip dress? All of these office essentials look instantly more relaxed when paired with this staple top.

paris, france april 07 diane batoukina wears brown large squared sunglasses from kaleos, a white t shirt, a pale gray blazer jacket, matching pale gray large suit pants, a black and gray ff monogram print pattern denim velvet handbag from fendi, during a street style fashion photo session, on april 07, 2023 in paris, france photo by edward berthelotgetty images
Edward Berthelot
best white t shirt women
Getty Images

The best white T-shirts for women to buy:

If you're looking for one do-it-all tee, pick something with a slim not clingy fit. We like Uniqlo U and Cos's quality jersey styles.

Prefer oversized silhouettes? Arket's heavyweight T-shirt is perfect, while & Other Stories' style lets you dip your toe into the boxy trend.

If you need a facilitator in your life, go for Lavender Hill's slimline iteration (buy two and you'll get 10% off). Everlane's bodysuit and Reformation's cropped T-shirt are great for pairing with slip skirts and tailored trousers. If you prefer a statement look, try Leem's white T-shirt: you can wear it loose to showcase the asymmetric hemline or fasten it to create a cool wrap-around effect.

If you're looking for more staple pieces that you can wear on rotation, whatever the occasion, check out our capsule wardrobe guide here.

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