• Cover Media

    La investigación sobre la muerte de Matthew Perry, a punto de finalizar

    ***SOLO PARA USO DIGITAL*** "Varías personas" deberían ser acusadas en relación con la muerte de la estrella de Friends, según una fuente. Ocho meses después de que Matthew muriera a la edad de 54 años, una fuente de la investigación policial le dijo a la revista 'People' que la investigación sobre su muerte se estaba "acercando a su conclusión" y la policía cree que "varias personas deberían ser acusadas."

  • Reuters

    Exclusive-UBS urges Swiss government to clarify capital demands, sources say

    UBS is pushing the Swiss government to clarify how much more the bank will need to hold in capital buffers after buying Credit Suisse, amid concerns the talks will drag on for months, unnerving investors, sources familiar with the matter said. Some of the lender's top executives had been relieved by the 'too-big-to-fail' proposals the government published in April in response to Credit Suisse's collapse, the sources said, seeing them as surprisingly mild and fluid. But they have since grown concerned by signs from Stefan Walter, the new head of Swiss regulator FINMA, that he wants UBS to hold more capital, the people said.

  • PA Media: Entertainment

    First fans through Glastonbury gates praise festival as ‘religious’ experience

    DJ Bob the Blender was already set up on a sofa in front of the Pyramid Stage before 9am on Wednesday morning.