• Associated Press

    8 homeless moms in San Francisco struggled for help. Now, they're learning to advocate for others

    They know chronic back pain from couch surfing while pregnant. Since January, a group of eight San Francisco mothers have met regularly as part of a local nonprofit's pilot program to share their stories and learn to advocate for the needs of families like theirs experiencing homelessness. “I feel like I failed my kids,” says Teniah Tercero, breaking into tears as she talked about how she hates exposing her three young daughters to the open drug use of the city’s gritty Tenderloin neighborhood where they sleep at a shelter.

  • The Telegraph

    No national event for Armed Forces Day as councils don’t want to host

    There will be no national event for Armed Forces Day for the first time as no councils came forward to host the celebration.

  • The Telegraph

    Labour won’t level with the public about the real hard choices

    Sir Keir Starmer wants the country to know that he’s not afraid to make “tough” choices. He is ready to make them on tax rises and spending priorities, in order to remain fiscally credible. He is prepared to keep the two-child benefit cap in place, instead prioritising tackling the NHS waiting list.