• Associated Press

    A bridge near a Minnesota dam may collapse. Officials say they can do little to stop it

    Rushing waters from the Blue Earth River have already left a trail of debris and destruction on the edges of a southern Minnesota dam that partially failed last week, but officials acknowledged Tuesday the structure most in danger may be the bridge that looms nearby. The County Road 9 Bridge is at risk of crumbling, and officials said they have little recourse. The threat to the bridge accelerated after a bout of heavy rain and flooding pummeled the Midwest for days.

  • CBC

    Sask.'s minimum wage rising to $15/hour later this year, but some say it's not enough

    Saskatchewan's minimum wage will increase to $15 on Oct. 1, pulling even with Alberta as the lowest in the country.This is the last incremental increase promised by the Saskatchewan government in 2022. That year, the province increased minimum wage to $13 from $11.81, with a promise to bump it another dollar in each of the next two years.Kent Peterson, secretary-treasurer at Saskatchewan Federation of Labour, said it's too little too late. He said minimum wage isn't keeping up with the rising co

  • USA TODAY Sports

    Tashaun Gipson suspended six games by NFL for PED policy violation

    Free-agent safety Tashaun Gipson was suspended six games by the NFL on Tuesday. The penalty is for violating the league's PED substance abuse policy.