Homero Macedo and Sonia Rodrigues arrived a couple of hours early for the first of the NBA Paris Games between the San Antonio Spurs and the Indiana Pacers to make the most of a birthday treat. Rodrigues bought two tickets at 400 euros apiece as a present for her husband's 33rd last June."The seats are quite high up in the arena and not exactly the best," said the 34-year-old nurse. "But it's cheaper than going to America to watch a game," Macedo smiled as they prepared to attend their first NBA
Victor Wembanyama will take to the court in Paris on Thursday with the San Antonio Spurs in front of an adoring home crowd, having gone from the French league to global stardom.Since stepping foot back on French soil, "Wemby" has visited his former teammates, opened an outdoor basketball court in his home town of Le Chesnay on the Paris outskirts and been guest of honour at an LVMH fashion show.
After commissioner Adam Silver talked about the possibility of an NBA Europe league on Thursday, Wemby shined with 30 points, 11 rebounds, six assists and five blocks in a Spurs rout.
No. | Player | Pos |
40 | SF | |
28 | C | |
22 | SG | |
5 | PG | |
30 | SF | |
25 | SF | |
23 | PF | |
7 | SG | |
55 | SF | |
0 | SF | |
33 | PG | |
54 | PF | |
27 | SF | |
3 | PG | |
10 | PF | |
24 | SG | |
1 | PF | |
14 | SG |