New York Knicks

New York Knicks

  • Field Goal %
    46.5 FG%
  • 3-point %
    36.9 3P%
  • Points scored
    113 PPG
  • Total rebounds
    45.2 RPG
  • Associated Press

    Knicks set for second round against the Pacers, an old-school playoff rival who play a new-age game

    Back when the New York Knicks would annually march on in the playoffs, they'd almost always run into the Indiana Pacers. With the teams set to renew their playoff rivalry Monday in the Eastern Conference semifinals, it's easy to think back to those rough and rugged tussles in the 1990s. Tyrese Haliburton runs the NBA's highest-scoring offense, with Indiana putting numbers on the scoreboard that make the ones in the past Knicks-Pacers contests look like a different sport, not just a different century.