
Arsenal Supporters help foodbank score a £200 donation

John Shades, Foodbank manager (centre) is pictured being presented with the funds by Club Chairman Brian Fivey, and Club Treasurer Clive Bruce.
John Shades, Foodbank manager (centre) is pictured being presented with the funds by Club Chairman Brian Fivey, and Club Treasurer Clive Bruce.

It’s great to help highlight the ongoing efforts of people and groups across the community to support others in need, such as this recent donation made by The Fermanagh Arsenal Supporters Club.

The club presented £200 to Enniskillen Foodbank at the end of November, to help it in its work providing food and other household items to people in need across the Christmas period.

John Shades, Foodbank manager (centre) is pictured being presented with the funds by Club Chairman Brian Fivey, and Club Treasurer Clive Bruce.