Cricket club 'likely to' contribute £20m a year to the economy, report finds
Somerset County Cricket Club ‘is likely to’ contributed more than £20million per year to the south west economy, according a new impact analysis report.
The club commissioned Professor Terry Stevens to carry out the report as it marks 150 years in 2025.
Somerset also directly supports more than 200 jobs in area, according to the findings of the report.
Any findings in the report have been benchmarked using a model developed by UK Sport, DCMS and the sports departments of the home nations.
A spokesman for the club said: “Whether inspiring people through elite sport or bringing important income to the region, Somerset CCC has a crucial role to play within the economy of the south west.
“The Cooper Associates County Ground is strategically located at the heart of Somerset’s County Town, close to the M5 and other strategic transport routes in the south west of England.
“Somerset has always benefited from a knowledgeable and loyal supporter and Membership base that is drawn from across the region. There has been a significant increase in the Membership base in recent years, which currently sits at around 6,500.
“The Club can approximate that the direct economic impact as a result of events held at the CACG into the community is circa £6m, largely due to the high levels of local day visitors.
“Furthermore, direct and indirect spend in the Taunton and West Somerset area on matchdays makes it reasonable to estimate that SCCC contribute approximately 5% Gross Value Added from tourism of the total spend in the area.”