FM19 introduces VAR and goal-line technology and it looks amazing
Love VAR? Hate it? However you feel about it, you’ll be able to experience it first hand in the latest version of Football Manager.
FM19 is released in November and includes a whole host of new features including VAR and goal-line technology so you’ll never be aggrieved about a terrible decision going against your team again. In theory.
READ MORE: VAR to make Champions League debut in 2019-20
READ MORE: Klopp unhappy with use of VAR in Chelsea loss
Video Assistant Referees (VAR) will be included in competitions that make use of the technology in reality, like the Carabao Cup, La Liga in Spain and Bundesliga in Germany.
Two types of VAR are included in match mode, one where the little animated referee runs over to a TV screen next to the pitch and one where the he communicates with the the guys in the truck in their refs kids via an earpiece.
You can watch an example of the ref having a look at a decision in real time in the video below and we’re sure you can agree, it is amazing.
Goal-line technology is also included in FM19 and looks exactly as it does in real life, with close up replays of the ball crossing (or not crossing) the line. So no more throwing your coffee cup across the room at an unjust decision
Whatever happens with the VAR and goal-line technology in match mode, you’ll be able to talk about it in post-match press conferences and cause a stir with the fans online.
A number of other enhancements have been made to the match engine including tactical styles are and player role tweaks. AI managers will also be more intelligent with their role and duty selections on matchdays. In theory.
Meanwhile, more than 500 animations have been replaced or improved. These include ball control animations, crosses, headers, passes, shots, tackles, some celebrations and even crowd movements.
Finally, team talks contain more information in FM19 than in previous years. Dynamics has now been integrated into team talks with each player’s position in your squad’s hierarchy now displayed on the team talk screen. You’ll now be informed of any effect that your team talk has on your team leaders.
As keeping your team leaders on side is important to maintaining a happy dressing room, it’s worth considering what effect your words will have on them and how that, in turn, may filter through the rest of the squad.
READ MORE: Sampdoria 0 Inter 1: Brozovic wins it late after VAR takes centre stage
READ MORE: Allegri changes tune on VAR after Ronaldo red card
If you prefer to let your assistant do the talking then you’ll find that they can now address individual players as well as the whole team. Your assistant will also recommend more contextual team talk options when advising you on what on to say to your players. And, speaking of more contextual options, at the end of a season you’ll be presented with more team talk options relating to your team’s situation.
FM19 is out in November. We can’t wait to start moaning about VAR.