
Hydro Harriers runners complete weekend parkrun events

Hydro Harriers were represented at three Somerset parkruns on Saturday, 18 January. <i>(Image: Stock)</i>
Hydro Harriers were represented at three Somerset parkruns on Saturday, 18 January. (Image: Stock)

Three runners from Hydro Harriers took part in separate parkruns at the weekend.

At Longrun Meadow, Brian Pearson finished 74th out of 384 participants, clocking in at 23 minutes 52 seconds.

Meanwhile, Tom Warren-Locke achieved a personal best at Burnham and Highbridge, securing 32nd place out of 347 with a time of 22 minutes and four seconds.

Andy White competed at the Marine Parade (Weston-super-Mare) event. Coincidentally, he finished in the same time and position as Tom, among 258 finishers.