
Jürgen Klopp mosaic created by Liverpool fans begins emotional Anfield goodbye

Liverpool fans displayed a mosaic for Klopp at his final game
Liverpool fans displayed a mosaic for Klopp at his final game

Liverpool fans unveiled a stunning mosaic at Anfield as the commemorations surrounding Jürgen Klopp's final match in charge began. Ahead of the game against Wolves on the final day of the Premier League season, special plans were in place to celebrate the German's near-nine-year tenure.

Before kick-off, Liverpool fans inside Anfield held cards aloft to reveal a mosaic that read 'Danke Jürgen'. Earlier, thousands had lined the streets to welcome the Liverpool team bus into the stadium. When Klopp emerged for the warm-up, he was given a warm reception as he took in the crowd for the final time.

With a feel of a carnival atmosphere, Liverpool fans took in the occasion and reveled in the glorious Merseyside sunshine, with the actual soccer on the field very much a secondary thought in the minds of most.

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With nothing riding on the match itself, with Liverpool guaranteed to finish third no matter the result, all the attention was on the departing Klopp. The 56-year-old will take a break from soccer after today with no plans to move elsewhere just yet.

"The big positive for Liverpool is that no matter who is leaving, the club is still in a very, very good place," Klopp wrote in his final set of matchday program notes. "This season we aimed for the moon and ended up in the stars which is never too bad and the players and staff who are remaining are top, top class.

"Yes, they will have new leadership before too long but this is a club that is ready to take the journey in a new and exciting direction, not one that is ready for the journey to come to an end.

"This is what I have always known Liverpool to be a club of journeys and adventures, some that end with trophies and some that don't but whatever happens there are always stories and moments that are unforgettable.

"Finally, to the supporters, I have only thanks and love. Everything that we have done has been because of you, with you, and for you. I have referred many times to the banner on the Kop which says Unity Is Strength and I think this is a belief that we have all lived up to."