
Jürgen Klopp's favorite trophy won with Liverpool is not what you'd expect

Liverpool manager Jürgen Klopp and coaching staff celebrate at the end of  the Carabao Cup Final match between Chelsea and Liverpool at Wembley Stadium on February 25, 2024 in London, England.
Jürgen Klopp has confirmed his favorite of all the trophies he has won at Liverpool. -Credit:Mike Hewitt/Getty Images

Liverpool manager Jürgen Klopp (we have to take advantage of one of the last times we can write that) has addressed the media ahead of his final game in charge. Naturally, there was a nostalgic feel to the press conference, and the boss has echoed some earlier views about his favorite trophy.

Of course, Klopp is more spoiled for choice than most managers when picking a favorite. He has brought just about every piece of major silverware to Liverpool, making his team 'champions of everything' before later adding the domestic cups for good measure.

Yet it was after already completing that sweep that Klopp's fondest final came about. A second Carabao Cup seems an unlikely contender, but that stands out in the mind of the German.

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He said as much shortly after the victory, dubbing the win over Chelsea at Wembley the 'most special' trophy he has won with Liverpool. But that was mostly chalked up to post-match elation.

But in his final press conference, Klopp has doubled down. "I said it after the game, it was my favorite final we have ever played, the circumstances we are in," he said.

"We all know how people see the Carabao Cup but it that moment it was absolutely fantastic. It showed everything what this club is about."

Klopp praised the fans for creating something special at Wembley. For all who were there, the prolonged rendition of Allez Allez Allez in extra time, with the game level and a number of youngsters introduced to the fray, will live long in the memory.

And the prominence of the young players was a big part of what made it so incredible for Klopp. He heralded it as 'the best night' for the club as a whole.

"It was from a club point of view the best night in our lives because you want the kids to be involved. Everybody knew the coaches in the Academy had done really well. It was a fantastic night, I will never forget that."

Of course, the win has now taken on even more significance, with the 2024 Carabao Cup going down as the last piece of silverware in the Klopp era. In a strange sort of way, it was the perfect one to go out on. says: If ever a final underlined the legacy Klopp leaves behind, it might just be this one. Of course, the Champions League and Premier League triumphs were more special in a great many ways, but there was almost an other-worldly feel to the Wembley triumph, with the synergy between players and fans at its absolute best.

Klopp leaves behind a club thoroughly transformed from doubters to believers. And he also leaves behind a crop of hugely talented young players, with the likes of Jayden Danns and Bobby Clark shining on the day.