
Neil Featherby: The key to ageing as a runner...

Neil Featherby and Tommy Hughes discussing life after retirement earlier this week with Neil’s husky Luna <i>(Image: Neil Featherby)</i>
Neil Featherby and Tommy Hughes discussing life after retirement earlier this week with Neil’s husky Luna (Image: Neil Featherby)

On the back of my column last week with regards to my chat with Guy Amos about older athletes and sports people potentially struggling to come to terms with decline through ageing, I have since had several conversations with older and former athletes who, like Guy, have also struggled with similar issues. 

I have also been so very pleased with the reactions from last week’s column via Facebook from the hard-working club runner right through to those who competed at international level such as Mitch Goose and John Downes.

Earlier this week, I had a very good chat with former Olympian and now multi age world record holder Tommy Hughes about the same subject. Tommy has been a good friend of mine for many years and just happens to be here working in Norwich until the end of February.

For those who aren’t aware, Tommy ran a 2 hours 27 mins marathon in 2019 when just 73 days short of his 60th birthday and since turning 60 has just missed out on several sub 2:30 marathon clockings by seconds.

Having turned 65 years of age earlier this month, Tommy has still not given up on breaking the 2:30 barrier and although he has an entry for Manchester in April, the likelihood is that he will be going for it in Frankfurt in October.

When discussing how he has dealt with ageing despite still running some fantastic times be it on the track over middle distances up to the marathon, let’s bear in mind that Tommy has a marathon PB of 2 hours 13 mins and is a former Olympian when representing Ireland in Barcelona for the 1992 Games.

However, it was after Barcelona when Tommy first started to have some problems with depression when he, over the next few years, dipped in and out of running. Each time he made a comeback he was successful though even winning marathons in his 50s.

(Image: Neil Featherby) It was when he wasn’t running where he struggled though. Tommy is one of those people who really can be ‘all or nothing.’

Whilst many others might be looking forward to retirement, Tommy has told me that he already has concerns come next January when he becomes an official pensioner. “I am worried Neil,” he said. “When I retire, I just don’t know what I will do as I am just scared it will be a case of sitting around and looking for something to do between my two daily runs.”

My reply was not to fully retire and keep working while he can. However, do something which still provides stimulation albeit without the pressures of having to do it as a living.

I am still very involved with my business, Sportlink, even if I'm not there from 10am to 5pm each day. I also now spend my time fitting in other things which brings a degree of pressure but in a way where I feel that I am still needed, such as my voluntary work on a daily basis with animals.

It is unpaid and in fact it costs me, but the animals are reliant upon me, which brings a responsibility and commitment towards the work. In many ways, no different to being disciplined when I was a competitive athlete.

One other thing which I did mention to both Guy and Tommy was apart from decline, I do also think it is down to the fact that it only seems like yesterday when we were all just loving the fact that we had the energy and desire to run mile after mile with ease whilst at the same time perhaps thinking it would be like that forever. Or dare I say taking it for granted and then all of a sudden, we have reached our 60s.

A few years ago, I just happened to be in conversation with the legendary footballer and 1966 World Cup winner Martin Peters who said that he was sick of sitting around watching repeats of ‘Escape to The Country’ every day. Those words really did stick with me and if I am honest, I now use Martin’s quote regularly myself which always brings about a laugh. Sadly, of course, Martin is no longer with us, but even more reason not to waste your later years sitting around depressed about not being the force that you might once have been.

Going back to Tommy, he really is an inspiration, be it to the young and older athlete and with this in mind it is a reminder to yes, look back with pride on what you have achieved and where you have been during your peak years, but to also keep looking forward irrespective of decline or not.