
Soccer - Turkmenistan league set to resume with fans despite coronavirus threat

ASHGABAT (Reuters) - Turkmenistan in Central Asia is set to resume its soccer season with spectators at the weekend, making it only the second country in the world to let fans attend matches as the new coronavirus shuts down almost all of world football.

Belarus is the only other country letting fans attend matches at the moment, while leagues in Nicaragua and Tajikistan are thought to be the only others still playing - but behind closed doors.

Burundi, the last African country to let football continue through the pandemic, suspended its league on Monday although it did not link the stoppage to the threat of the virus.

The Turkmenistan Football Federation (FFT) suspended its eight-team domestic league on March 24 but gave no official reason for its decision.

The former Soviet republic of 6 million people, which gained independence in 1991, has reported no coronavirus cases on its territory. However, it has already closed its borders to passenger traffic.

Its soccer championship will restart after a three-week hiatus on Sunday when Ashgabat-based Altyn Asyr, who have won the title for the last six seasons, face local rivals Kopetdag. Three more matches will be played on Monday.

Kopetdag, controlled by the Interior Ministry, currently top the standings with seven points from three games.

The FFT also said the country's youth championship will resume on Saturday.

(Reporting by Angel Krasimirov; Editing by Hugh Lawson)