
Swindon Wildcats to add extra seats at Link Centre following flooding

Swindon Wildcats <i>(Image: KLM Photography)</i>
Swindon Wildcats (Image: KLM Photography)

The Swindon Wildcats will add 74 extra rink-side seats at the Link Centre.

The seats will be reinstated in Blocks S and W, starting from the game against MK Lightning on Sunday.

This will allow more supporters to cheer the team.

The seats will also be used for different groups, including the Ticket for Schools scheme.

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Away fans are also welcome to join in Block S.

Aaron Nell, the Wildcats' general manager, said: "It’s a really positive move to have Blocks S and W reinstated.

"The club is always looking for every opportunity to elevate the match night experience."

He encourages fans to book their seats early.

The Wildcats are eager for the second half of the season, following a temporary closure of the Link Centre ice rink in September due to flooding.

The heavy rainfall had knocked out the power supply.

The ice rink will opened to the public again on December 18.

The Wildcats played their first home game since the closure against the Sheffield Steeldogs in December.

Aaron Nell, also the head coach, said: "We will survive and recover but it has been a difficult few months."

He mentioned the significant investment over the past months and the cost involved.

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