
'Making a Murderer': Casting 15 Key Roles

Warning: This slideshow reveals plot details for the Netflix docu-series, Making a Murderer

Three weeks after its launch, Netflix’s true crime blockbuster Making a Murderer is still receiving acclaim and buzz that most scripted series would kill for. The instantly addictive show has inspired celebrity fans, online petitions and Twitter tributes to some of its real-life personalities. That level of success means that it’s only a matter of time until some enterprising network or streaming service adapts the docu-series —which chronicles Steven Avery’s troubled past, present and future with the Wisconsin judicial system — into a prestige miniseries.

Related: The 5 Stages of Your ‘Making a Murderer’ Addiction

And when that happens, actors are going to be champing at the bit to land a part, dreams of Emmys and/or Golden Globes in their heads. We’ve gone ahead and made the casting directors’ job a little easier by assembling the ensemble we’d most like to see inhabit some of the story’s key roles. This is the cast you need to make a Making a Murderer series.

Making a Murderer is streaming on Netflix