
Car seen with huge greenhouse frame attached to roof leaving Fife locals in stitches

A green Skoda was seen with a greenhouse frame strapped to its roof
A green Skoda was seen with a greenhouse frame strapped to its roof -Credit:Fife Jammer Locations

Motorists in Fife were gobsmacked after spotting a car with an enormous greenhouse frame strapped to its roof cruising along the road.

The unusual incident saw a green Skoda crossing the A92 at the Pitcairn junction in Glenrothes with the bulky metal structure secured to its top one Sunday last May.

The oversized load turned heads among drivers and sparked confused comments from the community after the image was shared online by local Facebook page, Fife Jammer Locations.]

One stunned resident replied: "The things you see on a Sunday". The spectacle also tickled the funny bone of many online commentators, with Derrick Sachs quipping: "He's been framed."

Mark Smith said "Saw exactly the same on the A9 years ago and then it fell apart and the lot came off across both lanes stopping the traffic!"

Graham Ritchie joked about the driver's moving method, commenting: "Moving house but not a pane to be seen."

Malcolm Duncan said: "If traffic cops saw that they'd choke on their doughnut." While Shuggie Hughes replied: "Is the pope visiting Fife?"

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