
Here’s Ryan Spooner breaking an egg with his hockey stick (Video)

Through the years, we’ve seen many clips of players doing extraordinary tricks, including ones that had skeptics raising their eyebrows about authenticity. (Side-eying you, Sidney Crosby.)

We can say, with some confidence, that this Ryan Spooner Vine does not have the benefit of CGI enhancement. We don’t believe it was executed with an intricate system of levers and pullies.

We’re fairly confident that, yes, the Boston Bruins forward did in fact break an egg with the blade of his stick.

Spooner calls it “The Egg Challenge,” and we hope that it sparks an escalating series of “Ice Bucket Challenge”-esque series of videos in which NHL players break things with their sticks.

Ryan Spooner cracks an egg; Shea Weber breaks an antique Ming vase; Alex Ovechkin smacks open a piñata filled with airplane-sized bottles of vodka. And so on.

To that end: If you have a stick trick involving a prop that you believe tops Ryan Spooner’s “Egg Challenge,” send it over to The best ones will receive a fancy item from the Yahoo Sports prize closet.