
Three Island dancers to represent Team England at Dance World Cup

Dancers Jess, Anya and Kenzie <i>(Image: Contributions)</i>
Dancers Jess, Anya and Kenzie (Image: Contributions)

Three Isle of Wight dancers are preparing to compete in the Dance World Cup in Prague, Czechia.

Jess Burfitt, 12, from Shanklin trains at MLD Studio (formally The Starlight Boutique) based at Ryde’s Rink Road and has qualified for the children’s contemporary section as a soloist for Team England.

In qualifying, Jess was up against hundreds of others her age across the country.

Dancer Jess Burfitt (Image: Contributions)

Jess is a Red Funnel ambassador and has been supported by the cross-Solent travel operator for the last two years, allowing her to train off-Island and compete nationally.

Michelle Davis, who runs MLD Studio, said Jess is “one of the most hard-working, determined students” she has had the pleasure of teaching.

Michelle added: “All of us here at MLD Studio are so proud of her achievements and are right behind her in all she does.

“Good Luck, Jess. Go show them what you're made of!”

Dancers Anya and Kenzie (Image: Wightlink)

Read more: Young Isle of Wight dancers set to represent England

Meanwhile, Anya Murphy and Kenzie Madden, both aged 10, are also travelling to Prague.

The pair attend Hilary Hall School of Dance and Joel Morris Dance Academy, and are supported by Wightlink.

A spokesperson for the cross-Solent travel operator said: "We're delighted to support the girls with ferry travel and wish them the best of luck for the championships!"

The Dance World Cup gets underway tomorrow (Thursday, June 27) and runs through to Saturday, July 6.