
7 Scotland headlines as Steve Clarke moves media duties forward to face the music

Steve Clarke moved his media duties forward by a couple of days as he fronted the press after Friday night's 5-1 mauling to Germany.

Scotland endured a nightmare start to Euro 2024 against the host nation as they crashed to the competition's heaviest-ever opening-day defeat. That's sparked some stinging criticism from fans and pundits but rather than shy away from the flak, Clarke underlined his leadership qualities today by facing the music two days earlier than planned.

The manager wasn't scheduled to speak to the media until Tuesday but fielded questions from Scotland's training camp in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, admitting: "This is my job. This is not a job for a coach to come here."

Clarke reflected on a miserable night for Scotland against the Germans but shouldered the blame by confessing he may have overloaded his stars with too much information against the Group A favourites. Clarke also defended red card sinner Ryan Porteous and vowed to do all he could to protect the Watford defender after he was slammed for his wild lunge on Ilkay Gundogan.

Here, Football Scotland has picked out the seven key headlines from today's press conference and you can read them below:

What would he have done differently?

"Try not to concede five goals. Give a better message. If I could criticise myself - and I always criticise myself - I maybe gave too much information which maybe clouded the players on the pitch in terms of what we do with and without the ball. We can work on that a little bit, we worked on it this morning and we'll work on it in the next two days going into the game on Wednesday night and hopefully we'll see a different performance. I've spoken to one or two players around the squad whose opinion I value. I had a good chat with a few of them, I had a little chat with a lot of them on the training pitch this morning, just to try and put things in their head that they maybe didn't do when they went to the pitch that they should've done."

Ryan Porteous tackle

"Ryan hasn't been sent off for a couple of years. Since I gave him his chance in Ukraine, he's been great for us. The challenge in Cyprus was one that was clean, he didn't catch an opponent. The other night he was trying to stop a goalscoring opportunity. He maybe went in, well definitely, went in a little bit too hard. We're all pleased that Gundogan has no lasting damage, it's something that Ryan will learn. But it was an honest challenge to try and get the ball and stop a goalscoring opportunity. So, I wouldn't be too hard on him."

Asked about managing Porteous' disappointment, Clarke said: "He was one of my cuddles. He was one of the ones that I spoke to. I explained the situation, it wasn't a good look. Ryan didn't want to make that challenge, he wanted to stop a goal. He's very down as you would expect but we'll pick him back up, don't worry."

Changes on Wednesday?

"You'll find out on Wednesday night. Sorry to revert to type. You can expect to see changes if you want to."

What went wrong?

"We know what went wrong. I spoke to the players about what I felt went wrong from my side and what I gave them. I take their interpretation of what we asked them to do was wrong. So we've worked on that, we've spoken about that. To be honest, I haven't finished with them because we've got another post-dinner meeting just to tidy everything up. That will be about Switzerland and working to that game. We're still just tidying up the loose ends from a really bad night."

Will he support England against Serbia?

"I wouldn't think I would be watching the England game to be honest because like I said, I've got a pre-dinner meeting and then I've got a post-dinner meeting. Maybe I'll catch the second-half. Who are they playing? Serbia? I think I'll be supporting Gareth and his boys."

Fronting the media 2 days early

"This is my job. This is not a job for a coach to come here. This is my job to come today to face the media so that all the questions they are going to give me are cleared before we go to the Swiss game."

Austin MacPhee touchline row

Asked if he could elaborate on the decisions he regretted against Germany, Clarke said: "No, I think those things have to stay in camp. That's between me, my players and my staff. Some of them will get a little shove as well - especially Austin! It was really simple. Obviously everybody's frustrated. You get these moments all the time but you don't often see it because we're tucked under canopies or whatever. Austin just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, as I turned around, after taking a short free-kick when we should've been putting the ball into the box as we did when we scored the goal... it wasn't Austin's fault because the players made that decision on the pitch and we got counter-attacked. I'm thinking well, 'We've lost enough goals Austin, we don't need to lose any more goals.' We just had a little discussion about it, that was all. Listen, he's got long blonde hair but I'm not going to be giving him a cuddle!"