
Amit Mishra arrested in Bangalore, out on bail

Last week, he had been accused by a woman of assault.

India leg-spinner Amit Mishra has been arrested by the Bangalore police following a complaint by a woman who said the cricketer had assaulted her in his hotel room.

The woman, identified by police as Vandana Jain, accused the 32-year-old Mishra of assaulting her with a kettle at a luxury hotel on September 25.

The DCP of Bangalore police said that Mishra would be released on bail as his offences are bailable. Later in the noon, Mishra was released after three hours of questioning by the police.

The woman had withdrawn the complaint on October 23 on the condition that Mishra would present himself before the police on October 27.

Mishra was charged under the Indian Penal Code sections 354 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty) and 328 (causing hurt with intent to commit an offence).

“Two days after lodging the complaint, I approached the police station and told them that I have in principle decided to withdraw the case. I am waiting for Mishra to appear in the police station,” the complainant said.

Earlier, the complainant was revealed to be a close friend of Mishra's for around three years. Vandana Jain, a Bollywood actor-turned-producer, had revealed that Mishra and she used to meet and spend time together whenever the cricketer was in Bengaluru. This was until Mishra apparently began ignoring her.

When Mishra was in Bengaluru last month for the Indian national team pre-tour training camp, Jain and the cricketer had met in Mishra's hotel room which supposedly led to an argument.

Jain wished to resolve the issues at the earliest and in a peaceable manner. “We both will amicably withdraw the case. We were friends. We fought, and continue to remain friends here after.”