
Andy Robertson's classy gesture Dominik Szoboszlai despite Scotland crashing out of Euro 2024

Andy Robertson consoles Dominik Szoboszlai after Scotland's clash with Hungary
-Credit: (Image: PA)

Following the emotionally charged Euro 2024 qualifier match between Scotland and Hungary, Liverpool star Andy Robertson was seen consoling his club teammate, Dominik Szoboszlai despite suffering his own heartache.

Szoboszlai, captain of the Hungary team, and Robertson were both understandably shaken following a harrowing mid-game injury to player Barnabas Vargas. In a second-half incident that left everyone in the stadium holding their breath, Varga was involved in a frightful collision that had medics rushing onto the field immediately.

The severity of his condition necessitated the use of screens to shield spectators from the distressing scene. The visibly moved Hungarian skipper, who happens to be the youngest-ever captain in Euros history, anxiously beckoned medical staff onto the pitch before Varga got the necessary treatment.

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In the game itself, Scotland was denied a late penalty before Hungary sealed the win with a last-minute goal from Kevin Csoboth. Notwithstanding the high tension during the match, Robertson extended a comforting embrace to teammate Szobozlai once the final whistle blew.

Angus Gunn, Scotland's keeper, candidly spoke about the alarming incident with Varga, admitting his memory of it is 'a blur' and expressing sincere concern for the injured player.

Reflecting on the incident, Gunn shared: "It was painful. I hope the guy is alright. I can’t really remember too much about it, to be honest. It was a bit of a blur, I came for the ball and thought I did well. I hope he’s OK."

The extent of Vargas' injuries became apparent postmatch - having suffered multiple facial fractures necessitating surgery and a concussion, ruling him out of further participation in Euro 2024. Szoboszlai expressed frustration with the medical team's slow reaction at the time.

Speaking after, he said: "It looked bad, it was bad, he felt bad. I don't really know the [medical] protocol or how it works but if our doctors say we need someone immediately to help, then I don't think they should walk.

"It's not my decision, but I think we need to change something. Even if somebody is on the ground, and you see that it was a big [collision], then just go on [the field].

"Even if the referee is saying don't go on. Just go on. And if you see it's nothing serious, then you can just go down and it's finished. Seconds can help a lot."

On the other hand, Robertson had to confront the disappointment of Scotland's 12th first-round tournament exit. Reflecting on the defeat, he said: "It'll take a long time to get over this one. All the lads are absolutely gutted."

"It’s up to us to pick them up. It’ll be slowly and surely. But what I will say is thank you to the country because we felt everyone behind us.

“We knew the excitement back home and we’re sorry for letting you down. We gave it everything. We knew we had to win this game, both teams had to win, and they have hit us on the counter-attack obviously.

"We have had a chance there and it could have gone either way. That’s football, that’s how it goes. We had a lot of possession first half without doing anything with it."