
Anthony Gordon explains England bike accident - and Gareth Southgate's reaction

Newcastle forward Anthony Gordon pictured during England training after his bike accident at Euro 2024 <i>(Image: PA)</i>
Newcastle forward Anthony Gordon pictured during England training after his bike accident at Euro 2024 (Image: PA)

ANTHONY Gordon revealed England manager Gareth Southgate was left laughing at the forward after he fell off his bike on a warm-down session at Euro 2024.

The Newcastle forward came out to train on Thursday morning with cuts to his nose, chin, hands and knees and it later transpired he had crashed off an electric bike.

Gordon admitted he had been trying to record a video message for his family when he hit the dirt and that there was initially very little sympathy from Southgate.

“We went on what was meant to be a recovery bike ride,” Gordon explained.

“They are electric so they are faster than normal bikes and, in England, the front brake is on the right-hand side.

“Here, I tried to press the left (brake) just to slow down and, next minute, it has not slowed down, it has fully come to a stop … and I haven’t. I have gone 10 feet in the air, chin first.

“It was a lovely day, I was going down a hill, trying to take a quick video for my family, just to show them what I was doing.

“Before I knew it, I was head first into the floor. I’ve got a got a few grazes, a few cuts but it’s not anything painful.

“He (Southgate) laughed at first, just like everyone else did. It was a bit of a joke. It wasn’t too serious, just a few scratches so everyone was laughing at me and laughing at my pain.”


There was a moral to the story, though, for the 23-year-old, who made his first appearance at the Euros with a late substitute outing in the goalless draw with Slovenia.

“I just carried on and finished the bike ride and when I got back to the camp, I had to put the stuff on it, which absolutely stung. That was the worst bit,” he added.

“To be fair, no-one had seen it and I definitely didn’t press record so there were some positives to come from it.

“I’ll get back on, I won’t let that bother me. The thing was, because I was on my phone I didn’t know I was falling off until I hit the floor. I was just focused on my phone. And I went chin first.

“I think the moral of the story is that we spend too much time on our phones these days. The moral of the story is to just enjoy the moment without a phone.”