
Armstrong expected to recover in time to represent Scotland at Euro 2024

Russell Martin expects Stuart Armstrong to be fit for this summer's Euros <i>(Image: PA)</i>
Russell Martin expects Stuart Armstrong to be fit for this summer's Euros (Image: PA)

SAINTS midfielder Stuart Armstrong is expected to be fit in time to represent Scotland at Euro 2024 this summer.

Armstrong has been named in Scotland boss Steve Clarke's 28-man provisional squad, alongside teammate Che Adams, who has been passed fit for Sunday's playoff final.

The 32 year old is progressing well in his rehabilitation after suffering a season-ending injury at Cardiff City in April.

The former Celtic man, who is in the final months of his Southampton contract, had to be helped off the field on a stretcher in the Welsh capital.

With Scotland set to get their European Championship campaign started against hosts Germany on June 14, Martin explained how he expects Armstrong to be involved.

Speaking to the Daily Echo, Martin said: "He will be fit for that, I'm sure, all being well.

"He is on a pretty good path, touch wood. He is really kicking on. He is giving everything he possibly can.

"We have a brilliant rehab team here. Stu is in a really good place. He has had a haircut and he looks great.

"He will be there to help the lads. Hopefully, we can all enjoy watching him at the Euros this summer.

"I used to play for Scotland so I'm hoping to get some free tickets so that I can go and watch him and Che (Adams)."