
Australia Determined To Win Ashes Series

Australia Determined To Win Ashes Series

Australia captain Michael Clarke has spoken of the fierce determination in the squad to win their first Ashes series in England for 14 years.

Clarke and the Australian team were given an official welcome to England on Monday night at the High Commission in London and they have been told just what their country is expecting of them.

Australian High Commissioner Alexander Downer said: "England is, let's face it when it comes to cricket, the great enemy. You can lose to anyone but you can't lose to England.

"I know there is an old saying here in England, of all places, that it's the game that counts – it's not whether you win or lose – but I’m not sure I do think that. It’s not right mate, it’s that you win."

Clarke said: "Unfortunately for all the players that stand in this room, none of us has won an Ashes series (in England) so our goal is, to state the obvious, go home from this series as winners."

Clarke introduced the Australia squad in turn – ending with opening batsman David Warner who last week gave an interview saying he did not want to be the team's 'chief sledger' anymore.

Clarke rounded off his introductions by saying: "Last, but not least, David Andrew Warner. Now David’s old nickname was 'The Bull', it's now 'The Butterfly'."

Some familiar Australian faces were in the crowd at the High Commission looking forward to the Ashes summer, including ex-Formula One driver Mark Webber and former Wimbledon champion Pat Cash.

But there was no sign of Yorkshire coach Jason Gillespie who recently called the Australia squad a Dad's Army. However, Clarke was quick to shrug of his former team-mate’s comments as well as suggestions he should get a knighthood if he returns home with the urn.

Clarke said: "Jason's a fantastic man and I loved every day I played cricket with him so our relationship certainly won’t change.

"He's a great fella and that’s part and parcel of playing sport at the highest level, people are going to have their own opinion, and they are entitled to that, so as a player it doesn't have much relevance.

"I don't think Sir Michael Clarke suits me at all, no. I'm a Liverpool (the New South Wales suburb) boy through and through and I can't imagine my mates calling me Sir anything."