
Bearsden pupils enjoy strawberries before Wimbledon

The pupils enjoyed Perthshire-grown strawberries by Scotty Brand at the Bearsden Tennis Club <i>(Image: Smarts Agency)</i>
The pupils enjoyed Perthshire-grown strawberries by Scotty Brand at the Bearsden Tennis Club (Image: Smarts Agency)

Young tennis fans from Bearsden Primary School were treated to a traditional Wimbledon treat.

The pupils enjoyed Perthshire-grown strawberries by Scotty Brand at the Bearsden Tennis Club before the Scottish food producer heads down to Wimbledon where staff will give out free strawberries as visitors queue up to enter the legendary tournament.

As the iconic tournament's traditional snack, strawberries witness a rise in demand during the championships, with more than 38.4 tons of strawberries consumed each year.

Scotty Brand hopes to make the most of the opportunity.

(Image: Smarts Agency)

Andrew Young, brand development manager at Scotty Brand, said: "We loved treating these promising young tennis stars to our Scottish strawberries before our van heads to Wimbledon, and it's clear they passed the taste test by a mile.

"This season we have more strawberries than ever in Asda so our customers can enjoy the freshest, sweetest berries all summer long.

"There's a real surge in demand around Wimbledon - it's the perfect opportunity to get strawberries in the spotlight.

“We're now hitting the road to share our homegrown, freshly picked berries with tennis fans in Wimbledon, celebrating both strawberry season and the world's premier tennis tournament.”