
Blues' supporters' trust looks set for name change

The trust played a significant role in the Piatak takeover <i>(Image: Barbara Abbott)</i>
The trust played a significant role in the Piatak takeover (Image: Barbara Abbott)

Carlisle United's supporters' trust could be set for another name change after canvassing members' views.

CUOSC asked members to take part in a survey seeking their views on a possible change of name and logo.

The trust revealed the results in their recent briefing.

It showed that half of those who voted would like to see the trust known as CUST - Carlisle United Supporters' Trust.

That option gained 406 votes - some 50.06 per cent of those who took part.

It proved a more popular choice than the trust's current name CUOSC, which stands for the Carlisle United Official Supporters' Club, which attracted 354 votes; 43.65 per cent.

A return to CCUIST, the original name for the trust from its formation in 2001, standing for Carlisle and Cumbria United Independent Supporters Trust  - was less popular, attracting just 29 votes; 3.58 per cent.

The trust say their board will now "digest the results" and communicate further in due course.

CUOSC are considering changing its current logo (Image: CUOSC)

CUOSC also asked members for their opinions on a prospective new logo.

Three draft options were put forward with most voted (392) going to a logo focusing on a red fox.

A logo with the club crest at its heart was second with 370 votes, with a further design of a 'forward fox' attracting just 31 votes.

Members are now being further contacted to vote on some new logos, which have been designed by Mike Rome and Rob Morley.

CUOSC say the surveys are "part of our ongoing work to refresh the organisation!"

Should the trust change its name it would be the fourth name in its 23-year history.

As well as CCUIST, the organisation has been known as the United Trust and, since 2015, CUOSC.

The trust has a ten per cent voting stake in CUFC Holdings, with the other 90 per cent held by Castle Sports Group, the company of United's owners, the Piataks.

The trust also has representatives on United's Holdings and 1921 operational boards.