
Brighton in top ten list for having sports bars (with available seats)

Brighton has been ranked as a top city for sports bar seats <i>(Image: Google)</i>
Brighton has been ranked as a top city for sports bar seats (Image: Google)

Brighton is the second top city in the UK for sports bars where you are most likely to grab a seat.

Data from Alternix, a nicotine business that offers alternatives to cigarettes, has found that Brighton ranks second in a top 30 list of places with sports bars. Wakefield was top.

The cities were ranked on their number of sports bars per 10,000 people, with Brighton boasting a total of 118, nine to each 10,000 sports fans.

With the Euros currently taking place and the Olympics close behind, it leaves Brighton as the second most likely to place to get a seat to watch the games.

READ MORE: Brighton man charged over Euros fan zone disturbance

Travel Brighton ranked some of the best sports bars to visit in Brighton, designating The Font, Union Street, Ye Olde King & Queen, Marlborough Place, and Walkabout, West Street, as the top three.

The Euros fan zone in Brighton (Image: Andrew Gardner/The Argus)

The city is also hosting a fan park in part of Valley Gardens with a capacity of 2,000 people for the Euros tournament.