
Clubhouse work completed to ensure its ready for rowing season PHOTOS

Newport Rowing Club's clubhouse on the river Medina <i>(Image: IWCP)</i>
Newport Rowing Club's clubhouse on the river Medina (Image: IWCP)

Work to upgrade Newport Rowing Club has been completed, nearly a year after a crowdfunding campaign was launched.

Donations of around £7,000, plus more than £2,000 from Sport England, raised in eight months, ensured the project was finished.

As the County Press previously reported, the crowdfunder campaign was closed in September.

The wooden building, which dates to 1863, sits on the side of the river Medina.

Isle of Wight County Press: Inside the clubhouse
Isle of Wight County Press: Inside the clubhouse

Inside the clubhouse (Image: Newport Rowing Club)

Isle of Wight County Press: Inside the clubhouse
Isle of Wight County Press: Inside the clubhouse

Inside the clubhouse (Image: IWCP)

It is believed to be one of only two boathouses built above tidal waters in the UK.

In August 2023, club chair, Julie Clarke, explained parts of the slipway had been replaced over the years, but with untreated wood.

Its replacement was to cost around £1,000.

"Most of the floor in the boathouse is original, and is such good quality compared to the wood you buy today," she told the County Press.

"The whole building tends to sway a bit, so steel cross beams are going to support the whole building."

Isle of Wight County Press: The slipway
Isle of Wight County Press: The slipway

The slipway (Image: IWCP)

Isle of Wight County Press: Newport Rowing Club's new slipway
Isle of Wight County Press: Newport Rowing Club's new slipway

Newport Rowing Club's new slipway (Image: Newport Rowing Club)

Isle of Wight County Press: Julie Clarke, at the clubhouse
Isle of Wight County Press: Julie Clarke, at the clubhouse

Julie Clarke, at the clubhouse (Image: IWCP)

Isle of Wight County Press: Inside the clubhouse
Isle of Wight County Press: Inside the clubhouse

Inside the clubhouse (Image: IWCP)

Isle of Wight County Press: The new supportive steel beams
Isle of Wight County Press: The new supportive steel beams

The new supportive steel beams (Image: Newport Rowing Club)

Since then, work has included underpinning the building with the steel supports, replacing the slipway, and the refurbishment of the clubroom.

It was carried out by both professionals and rowing club members.