
Coca-Cola calls Blatter resignation positive

By Anjali Athavaley NEW YORK (Reuters) - Coca-Cola Co said on Tuesday it respected FIFA president Sepp Blatter's decision to resign, calling it a positive step. Blatter, 79, announced the decision at a hastily arranged news conference in Zurich, six days after police raided a hotel in the city and arrested several FIFA officials, and just four days after he was re-elected to a fifth term as president. "The announcement today is a positive step for the good of sport, football and its fans," Coke, a World Cup sponsor, said. "Our expectation remains that FIFA will continue to act with urgency to take concrete actions to fully address all of the issues that have been raised and win back the trust of all who love the sport of football. We believe this decision will help FIFA transform itself rapidly into a much-needed 21st century structure and institution." (The story was refiled to correct the details on the FIFA arrests in paragraph 2) (Anjali Athavaley)