
Cristiano Ronaldo says sorry following incident after Man Utd’s loss at Everton

Cristiano Ronaldo has apologised for his “outburst” while leaving the pitch after Manchester United’s defeat at Everton, when he appeared to knock a mobile phone out of a supporter’s hand.

Ronaldo had returned to United’s starting line-up and played the full 90 minutes of the 1-0 defeat at Goodison Park.

Following the match, footage on social media emerged which appeared to show the Portugal forward knocking a phone out of an Everton supporter’s hand and onto the ground as he walked off towards the tunnel.

Later on Saturday evening, Ronaldo posted a statement on his personal Instagram account to apologise – and also invited the supporter to watch a game at Old Trafford “as a sign of fair-play and sportsmanship”.

“It’s never easy to deal with emotions in difficult moments such as the one we are facing,” Ronaldo said.

“Nevertheless, we always have to be respectful, patient and set the example for all the youngsters who love the beautiful game.

“I would like to apologise for my outburst and, if possible, I would like to invite this supporter to watch a game at Old Trafford as a sign of fair-play and sportsmanship.”

Manchester United confirmed the club were aware of the matter.

A club spokesperson said in a statement: “We are aware of an alleged incident after today’s game at Everton and the club will cooperate with any police inquiries.”