
David Gray Hibs yes man tag scoffed at as club promise £1million transfer budget boost

David Gray won't be a Hibs yes man as he's been tipped by Tam McManus to whip the squad into shape for the new season - with a promise over budget being granted by the board.

The former four-time interim boss was handed the reins on a permanent basis after new director Malky Mackay took the recruitment process through a "robust" search. For ex-attacker McManus, Gray was always the prime candidate and he reckons the former player can bring the success the club so desperately need... or at least the steadiness after years of chaos.

The 36-year-old may be a rookie in his first big job - and it is a big job - but McManus has faith he can thrive. And he believes the coach won't be "manipulated" by any other big personalities.

"Hibs needed to appoint a manager to bring the whole club back together because in the 25 years since I broke through in Leith I’d say there’s never been a bigger disconnect with the supporters," Tam wrote in his Daily Record column.

"And that’s a worrying admission given some of what’s gone on in that time. Easter Road should be rocking but for too long the atmosphere has been shocking and I’ve said for a couple of seasons now that apathy has bee sweeping around the place.

"Season ticket holders have been getting to the stage they can’t be bothered going to games and that says it all. David Gray’s appointment can sort that. I’m certain of it.

"More than anything he knows the club and knows the Scottish game. That’s key. The Hibs board at last have the right management team in place with David as head coach and, above him, Malky Mackay as sporting director.

"Don’t suggest for a minute David’s going in there as a puppet for those above though. There’s no way he is a yes man. I’ve heard some pundits say he could get manipulated by Malky. But I don’t go along with that for one minute.

"Quite simply it’s his head on the block and he’d be foolish to go with whatever someone above him is saying. You have to go out on your own sword and, from what I’ve been told, David has his own ideas on the game and will look to put his stamp on the team.

"Few people know what’s needed better than David who has been one of the few constants in the first team environment for the past decade. Of course he will go to Malky for bits of advice, he is vastly experienced across British football and will be a superb sounding board. Malky will help take the weight off in terms of recruitment and other off-field things to allow David to concentrate on coaching the team and setting them up to win games of football. That’s got to be the way it works.

"If David can sort the defence out, have a real solid spine, then Hibs should be up there challenging again. It’s not rocket science.

"Nick Montgomery and Lee Johnson thought they could play expansive football. The last successful manager was Jack Ross who was pragmatic. Hibs need that type of figure that will get the job done. And David is that gritty kind of guy.

"I’d expect Darren McGregor to step up from the development team to be apart of the backroom team and, again, that would be a good fit. He’s been beside David on the occasions he took caretaker charge last season.

"Nobody would get away with slacking or taking the p*** with those two guys in charge. Listen the money should be there for David to build his squad. Bill Foley’s millions are in the bank and there’s been more fresh investment into the club in the last week. Every manager recently has been backed and David should be the the same as he looks to put his stamp on the team.

"He has a bit of a blank canvas as a lot of loan players have left in the last few weeks and others have been freed. With the right backing I’m certain he can paint a brighter picture and get the sun shining on Leith again."

The Record have also claimed this morning that Hibs have already thrown their weight behind Gray by promising a £1m bump in the budget for the summer.