
December Student of the Month: Wilburton's Nathan Harkins

Mar. 9—Where do you want to go to college and why?

I will attend Connors State College to play baseball and major in Journalism.

What is your list of accomplishments including scholarships received?

I was named Kiwanis Student of the Month for August, McAlester News-Capital Baseball second team all area. State FFA Degree and Academic Excellence Award, named Blue Mountain Conference Academic Team High Scorer Honorable Mention for two years. I have been in the National Honor Society for three years, Oklahoma Honor Society for 3 years, and Indian Honor Society for 4 years. I am also a Silent Servant Service Award Recipient.

What drives you to succeed?

My parents and extended family are the driving force for me to succeed. I have been so blessed to have so many people always pushing me to be the best version of myself and always teaching me how to work hard for everything I want.

Who inspires you to excel in school and why?

My mom inspires me to succeed in school. She has always put a large emphasis on education seeing as she has worked in education for over 25 years. She has been my high school counselor for my whole time in high school and has always made sure I am staying on top of my school work and pushing me to be the best I can be.

What community activities are you involved in and what drives you to give back to your community?

I am involved in community service activities through my church and also through FFA. We visit the elementary school every month to educate the kids on agriculture. I have also been involved with our Veterans Day celebration sponsored by the Student Council. I feel this is a small way to say thank you to our veterans. My community has always supported me, and I feel driven to always give back.

What are your extracurricular activities and how do they improve your education?

I am in Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, FFA, Student Council, FCA, National Honors Society, and Academic Team. Having all these extracurricular activities has helped me build my leadership abilities and has expanded my social circle. I have learned to budget my time, stay on top of my school work, and focus on my education. Staying busy has helped me prioritize my goals.

How would a new car help achieve your future goals?

Having a new car would be such a great help. Having a great secure vehicle to get back and forth to college would free up money that could be spent elsewhere on my education.

—Derrick James