
EastEnders star Kellie Bright promises new clue to Christmas death story

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EastEnders star Kellie Bright has promised viewers that they'll soon get another clue about the mysterious Christmas day murder.

In a shock flashforward scene that aired earlier this year, it was confirmed that six Walford women, including Bright's character Linda Carter, will somehow be involved in the death of a mystery person on Christmas day.

The storyline was last revisited with a Denise-centric teaser trailer in April, but Bright says that more clues about the potential murder are on the way.

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"It has been quiet on the flash forward front lately, but it will ramp up come September time going into the autumn," the soap star told Radio Times. "That's when you'll see all that stuff come to the fore again, then we'll have a big build-up to Christmas.

"But there are little things happening, we're working on episodes for July now and I know there's something being filmed at the moment that involves a little clue… I don't necessarily know what it means, but it's definitely got something to do with it!"

Further discussing Linda's apparent involvement in the Christmas day death, Bright said: "At some point in the year there's going to be a character Linda potentially could kill, but who is it? We haven't even had a sniff of that yet.

kellie bright as linda carter in eastenders
Kieron McCarron - BBC

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"I can't see Linda pre-planning a cold-blooded murder, I don't think they'd do that. In my mind she would only kill as a defensive act, either protecting her children or herself.

"Personally, I think all six of us are culpable, we're all in the frame somehow. And I don't think the corpse is Nish Panesar, that's too obvious!"

EastEnders airs on Mondays - Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One. The show also streams on BBC iPlayer.

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