
Who are the engaged couple that got Cody Rhodes to be a groomsman at their wedding?

Cody Rhodes during Wrestlemania Night 2 at SoFi Stadium.
Cody Rhodes during Wrestlemania Night 2 at SoFi Stadium.

After a WWE event in Spokane, Wash. on Jan. 6, 2024, tag team champion Cody Rhodes was interacting with fans when he spotted a sign that read "Cody, be my best man." Rhodes agreed.

This interaction left onlookers with thousands of questions. Questions like, "Who is this man who got Rhodes to agree to be his best man?", "Was his wife okay with this?", "How did the former best man react?", and "Why didn't I think of that?"

Well, USA Today reached out to the couple in question and discovered all the answers you may have.

Who are the lucky couple?

Anthony White and Jordan Rullman. The two of them went to the Jan. 6 event together after Rullman bought tickets for her fiance as an early Christmas gift. After White had shown Rullman that an event was coming to the Spokane area, Rullman decided to surprise her fiance with the tickets.

Is Rhodes legitimately going through with this?

Per Rhodes' agent, Rhodes does plan on participating in the wedding. His agent informed USA Today that Rhodes will engage in anything that would be expected of a groomsman.

While White is yet to have direct contact with Rhodes since the event, he has been in contact with Rhodes' agent to discuss any dietary restrictions Rhodes may have.

With that in mind, White plans on treating Rhodes as he would any other guest. When asked whether or not Rhodes' WWE theme song "Kingdom" by Downstait will play, White told USA Today, "We decided, out of respect for Cody, since he hears it all the time, we will try not to make it a big deal." Later, he admitted, "I am going to try to sneak it into the music playlist for when everyone is dancing though."

White also hopes that he can get a few photos of Rhodes performing a few of his signature moves on him during the wedding. "I want him to 100 percent put me through a table, use a steel chair, I don't care," he exclaimed. "If any of that does happen though, my suit will not be washed. I will put it on a mannequin and keep it in my closet."

Did they think Rhodes would actually respond?

"I wasn't even sure he'd see it," Rullman told USA Today. "If he did see it, I didn't think he was going to reply to it whatsoever."

Prior to the event, Rullman and White had a few conversations about what would happen if Rhodes did acknowledge the sign and agreed. White says that one question he gets asked regularly is which best friend he had to let down after Rhodes agreed to step up. White says, "It was actually kind of his and (my) idea. He's a really big Cody Rhodes fan. I told him, 'Hey, Jordan got us tickets...I'm thinking of asking Cody to be my best man.'"

White's friend, David, thoroughly approved of this idea, telling Anthony "I would do it 100 percent." David continued, claiming that he would happily step down if Rhodes said 'yes.' David was also the first person to message and congratulate White after Rhodes agreed. He told White, "Alright, guess I'm passing the mantle to Cody now."

How long have they been wrestling fans?

White has been a fan almost as long as he can remember. His TikTok account, @the_ace_atlas, is the same name he and his childhood friends gave him as a member of his middle school's wrestling team. He had hoped that if he ever became a professional WWE wrestler, he would be able to have that stage name. That TikTok account, by the way, has grown substantially from just 127 followers prior to the event to over 3,100 followers as of Jan. 11.

Despite being a fan of professional wrestling as a whole, Rhodes has always stood out to White. "I've been a Cody Rhodes fan since I was eight years old," he told USA Today. "I followed him through AEW, through NXT, WWE, anything he was on, I was always watching."

Rullman is not quite as big a WWE fan. "I never really paid that much attention to it until I got together with Anthony," she stated. "Now, I watch it any time he turns it on."

WrestleMania moves wedding date

In a video released by WWE, we hear more of the conversation Rhodes had with White during the Jan. 6 show.

In the video, we hear White tell Rhodes that the wedding is planned for March 24, 2025, a Saturday. Cody responds, asking if there was any way they could change the date to a weekday. The WWE schedule is very strict, and a weekday would be much more accommodating to that schedule.

Rullman and White have updated their wedding date, and even posted a TikTok confirming the change.

Side note: you can see White on the phone in this video. I am the person he was talking to.

The couple have moved the date to Friday, May 23, 2025. This change comes per Rhodes' request to have it on a weekday. Another reason the couple decided on this date was the fact that it was after Wrestlemania. Neither White nor Rullman wanted WWE fans to think they were pulling Rhodes away from preparing for Wrestlemania, which usually happens around the last week of March or first week of April.

Even that date may not be set in stone though. May 23, 2025 happens to fall on Memorial Day weekend. Rhodes' agent told USA Today that the WWE could plan something massive for that weekend. After all, Memorial Day weekend 2023 was when Night of Champions was held in Saudi Arabia. While Night/Clash of Champions isn't usually held in such far off locations, his agent hopes to keep that weekend open in case Rhodes needs to fly somewhere like Saudi Arabia for an event that weekend since there is no way Rhodes could attend the wedding and fly to the event the same day.

Rhodes' agent told USA Today that he has been talking with White and Rullman about keeping May 16, 2025 as a possibility.

How to help Rullman and White with their wedding

With the inclusion of Rhodes in the wedding, Rullman and White are looking to make their wedding as unforgettable as possible. The couple recently created a GoFundMe page with a $5,000 goal.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Cody Rhodes: The full story behind the couple who made him a groomsman