
Euro 2024 fans: Ranking all 24 sets of supporters in Germany from worst to best

Ranking all 24 sets of fans at Euros from worst to best

If you can overlook the growing number of forgettable matches, there is joy everywhere at this European Championship.

After the reduced crowds (because of Covid) for the Continent-straddling 2021 edition, and the reduced crowds (because of Qatar) at the 2022 World Cup, it is glorious to be at a tournament which is both well attended and taking place without serious logistical or governmental restrictions.

It is easy to become jaded with domestic football, especially at the top level, but seeing how easily supporters have mingled with one another is faith-restoring stuff. The support they give their team varies slightly. Some are big on the rhythmic clapping, some go in for the singing of repurposed pop songs, while those from Eastern Europe love nothing more than jumping up and down together in unison.

There are no losers when football fans come together at an event like this. Unfortunately in the business of putting things into order there has to be a loser. Who are the most and least impressive fans at Euro 2024? Let us find out together:

24. France

There is a view that France as a country only comes to life in international tournaments when it becomes clear that their team might win them. Not overwhelming evidence of that so far in a tight victory over Austria and disappointing draw with the Netherlands. They have been spoilt by a brilliant team for nearly a decade so it follows that the support has felt a touch entitled. Lovely shirts, though.

Ranking all 24 sets of fans at Euros from worst to best
France fans may have dressed for the occasion, but Thom Gibbs feels they have – understandably – become a little complacent following years of success on the international stage - AFP/Odd Andersen

23. Switzerland

Lads, it is Switzerland. When your USP as a country is neutrality you are unlikely to get the pulses racing with your colourful and passionate displays of pride.

22. Slovakia

One of very few countries who do not seem to have brought more fans than can fit into the grounds. Have seen zero shirts in the wild other than in their host city on the day of a game. No complaints about the encouragement they provide but sometimes it is a numbers game.

21. Portugal

Lose marks for number of Cristiano Ronaldo selfie-hunting pitch invaders.

20. Austria

Not the overwhelming influx of fans you might expect from a country so close to Germany. Wrong to want a little more from a team playing so well?

19. Denmark

Eminently sensible, well behaved and polite. Wonderful people, but do not leave a stirring impression as a collective.

Denmark fans - Ranking all 24 sets of fans at Euros from worst to best
Denmark supporters are very sensible – some of them even go to matches in suits - Getty Images/Anne-Christine Poujoulat

18. Italy

The equalising goal against Croatia demonstrated the power their fans can generate, although we are yet to reach the Tardelli eyes-bulging level of excitement. Games can often peak atmospherically with the national anthem, which is not ideal.

17. Czech Republic

Aside from the glory of 1976 and near-miss of 1996, they often feel like a team making up the numbers at these tournaments. Travel well but cannot compete with teams for whom qualifying is a rarer occurrence.

16. Spain

Enjoying the brilliance of their team but lack the collective sense of struggle which bonds a national fanbase, given dominance is so fresh in the memory. A few fans have been encountered whose primary odour is not stale beer but (surely medical?) marijuana. Perhaps explains a more relaxed attitude.

15. Poland

Solid central European vibes. What is the name of their team? Polska! Are they going to shout that several hundred times over the course of a match? Very much so.

14=. Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia

Ranked together to avoid any further incidents. Diplomatic minefield of three former Yugoslavian countries qualifying for the same tournament has become all-too clear. All fond of extremely loud shouting delivered by extremely large men who are usually more friendly than they look. The outbreaks of nationalist nastiness are familiar in Balkan football, but quite contrary to the general good vibes from all three fanbases.

11. Ukraine

An understandable extra edge in their fanbase, and the winning goal against Slovakia was a particularly charged moment. Defiant and proud, and the T-shirt with FCK PTN rendered as the Run DMC logo is a great second option if you are having a polyester-free day.

Ukraine fans - Ranking all 24 sets of fans at Euros from worst to best
Ukraine fans have been proudly displaying their colours in Germany - Getty Images/Matt McNulty

10. England

A pleasant surprise. Whether it is the few extra steps required to travel to Germany or the effect of banning orders, the mood around England fans has felt lighter than the many hairy experiences at the Euros in France in 2016. Still drinking beyond the point that most other fans would stop, but barely a hint of trouble so far, the Phil Foden ‘Dancing in the Dark’ song is doing brisk business and no nation has taken more enthusiastically to the promotional Lidl sunglasses being handed out around fanzones.

9. Georgia

Of course it is easier to go absolutely wild for your team if you have never seen them on a stage like this before. Contributed to one of the loudest games of the tournament against Turkey.

8. Hungary

Made a wonderful din when celebrating a late winner over Scotland, whom they outsang for long periods in Stuttgart on Sunday night. Mostly their support is of the incessant drums and clapping variety.

7. Germany

If Euros fever can be measured in the preponderance of shirts, they are coming down with a serious case. Their white shirts are at every game, on the platforms of every Hauptbahnhof. And what about  fanzone Sax man.

6. Belgium

Have looked at a map, decided Germany is driveable and come en masse. Plenty parked up by the Rhine in Cologne and spent their day drinking incredibly strong beer before contravening Uefa rules and letting off flares in the stadium. Very naughty but definitely helps a football match to pop visually.

5. Albania

A nation whose diaspora significantly outnumbers its native population, which has meant huge and ferocious backing. Traditional white felt hat, the qeleshe, has been worn with pride and Nedim Bajrami’s quickest goal in Euros history gave them a moment to treasure forever.  Also prolific smokers and world class in the crucial European football discipline of driving around town centres while trailing a flag and tooting a car horn.

Albania fans - Ranking all 24 sets of fans at Euros from worst to best
Albanians have needed little encouragement to get the party started - AP/Christoph Reichwein

4. Netherlands

Euros and World Cups are diminished without Netherlands fans. Not many countries you can say that about. The side-to-side dancing on the streets of Hamburg has been one of the enduring images of the tournament so far.

3. Romania

Made a fierce noise against Ukraine and it does not hurt visually that their yellow shirts are so lurid. A lot invested in this tournament, given they have only qualified for two European Championship tournaments this millennium and zero World Cups. Players and fans sang together after their 3-0 victory over Ukraine with delightful results.

2. Turkey

Comfortably the largest minority group in Germany and therefore having an absolutely wonderful time. Deafening noise, pulse-quickening marches towards stadiums, some lovely dancing. Made Dortmund feel like Istanbul.

1. Scotland

Is it a sympathy vote to have them top? Possibly, but it is deserved on a few counts. The number here has been extraordinary, the noise they made has been enormous and the team they have supported have given them little to cheer about. An estimated four per cent of the country travelled to Germany and they were more serious about football than the ‘just here for the party’ critics suggest. An absolutely great bunch of lasses and lads.