
Exclusive extract from Why We Swim book: Five-time Olympian Dara Torres couldn't resist lure of competitive swimming

Torres first broke the 50m freestyle world record as a 14-year-old, back in 1982 - AP
Torres first broke the 50m freestyle world record as a 14-year-old, back in 1982 - AP

As a child, Dara Torres always had to be first, racing her siblings to the dinner table, to the car, to call their mother on her birthday. To this day, Torres is a woman so competitive that she floors it at the green light so other cars can’t get in front of her, she confesses to me.

When Torres was 41-years old, she had already retired from swimming three times. But those retirements didn’t stick. Competition, she tells me by phone from her home in Massachusetts, is ingrained in her very being. She loved it so much she couldn’t stay away.

At the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, making her third comeback, she was 41 - the oldest Olympic swimmer in history. Her teammate, Michael Phelps, was just twenty-three at the time. Torres had won her first Olympic gold medal in 1984, the year before Phelps was born. But Torres wasn’t in Beijing to set age records—she was there to win.

In the 50m final in 2008, the odds were stacked against her. In the sprint events youth is an advantage. Fast-twitch muscle fibers - supplying the power—decrease rapidly past age twenty-five. (Slow-twitch muscle fibres, which govern endurance, stick around a little longer.)

Torres first broke the 50m freestyle world record as a 15-year-old, back in 1983. She swam in the 1984 and 1988 Olympics, winning relay gold, silver, and bronze, and retired after college, thinking that was that. “At that point in my life, I was considered old,” she says. She was barely in her 20s. But Torres wasn’t totally happy with her performance at those early Olympics. She hadn’t yet won an individual medal.

Dara Torres (far left) US 4x100m medley relay team back at 2000 Sydney Olympics - EPA
Dara Torres (far left) US 4x100m medley relay team back at 2000 Sydney Olympics - EPA

Looking to get into television, she took a menial job as an intern at NBC Sports. One day she was logging tape and came across footage of the figure skater Brian Boitano who was talking about making a comeback, and what it would mean to him. A bell went off in her head. I want to do that. Eleven months before the 1992 US Olympic trials, she moved to Florida to train.

Elected team captain of the 1992 delegation in Barcelona she won another relay gold. “I was the oldest woman on the team, at 25,” she remembers. “They called me Granny.” She retired again and didn’t get in the pool for another seven years.

In the spring of 1999, at the coaxing of her friends and her mother, she came out of retirement for the second time, training for the Sydney Olympics in 2000 and winning five medals, three of them individual. When she was walking out of the arena after her final event, a reporter stopped her for an interview. “You didn’t swim for seven years before this,” he said. “Do you think you’ll be back at 41?”

“I was like, ‘Yeah, right,’” she says. She went home and retired a third time, at 33, thinking that she had nothing left to prove.

That reporter showed himself to be prescient. In 2008, at 41, nearly two and a half decades after her first Olympic medal, Torres was back in the pool. She took up swimming during pregnancy, in an attempt to get exercise while coping with nausea, and despite her burgeoning belly and the near-constant urge to throw up, she found herself unable to resist racing the middle-aged man in the next lane.

It drove her crazy not to beat him. And that’s when she began to suspect she was ready for yet another comeback. But it happened more quickly than she expected: a few months after her daughter was born, she surprised herself by swimming well enough to qualify for the 2008 US Olympic trials.

I remember watching the television coverage of that 50m final in Beijing. Torres waits behind the starting blocks, shrugging her broad shoulders and shaking out her long legs. The crowd is cheering madly. She looks down the lane, focusing on its stillness, its clear, rectangular span of water, and cracks her knuckles. She is calm. I’m ready to go.

Torres held the lead from the start, her powerful arms turning over in a controlled, efficient stroke rate; in the final push her fingertips appeared to be the first to reach for the wall. But as Torres glides in, Brita Steffen of Germany surges past to win gold by one-hundredth of a second. Less than a flap of a hummingbird’s wing. Less than the blink of an eye.

Torres lost the 50m final in Beijing by one-hundredth of a second - Getty Images
Torres lost the 50m final in Beijing by one-hundredth of a second - Getty Images

Torres remembers being in the pool, dumbstruck. No matter the result, she wanted to be respectful, so she ducked under the lane lines to congratulate Steffen on the gold and Australia’s Cate Campbell on the bronze. As she went underwater, though, expletives and questions rattled around in her head. One-hundredth of a second? What did I do? I’m going to be thinking about this for the rest of my life. How could I have done this better? One-hundredth?

She called her personal coach, Michael Lohberg, who was watching from a hospital bed in Maryland, where he was receiving treatment for a blood disorder, and asked him what she did wrong. “You didn’t touch the pad hard enough,” he said. Two minutes after picking up her silver medal, she was back on deck again to swim the anchor freestyle leg of the 4 x 100m medley relay. In that race, she swam the fastest 100m freestyle split in relay history. She hit the touchpad on the finish so hard that she tore a ligament and broke her thumb. They won silver.

More than she likes to win, Torres hates to lose. I ask her how she recovered from the one-hundredth-of-a-second heartbreak. “It did stay with me for a while,” she admits thoughtfully. “I had to come to terms with it, after going over it so many times in my head, that the race was a perfect race for me. I had to be OK with it. I was mature enough, at 41, to not dwell on one-hundredth of a second.” She realised she could lose a race and still have it be a perfect swim.

Why We Swim by Bonnie Tsui (Rider, £16.99) out August 6


Why We Swim, by Bonnie Tsui
Why We Swim, by Bonnie Tsui