
Football Manager 2020 wonderkids: Best players to sign in FM20 for teams of every budget


Football Manager has returned for another season and, as ever, the race is on to unearth the best wonderkids in the game.

Every player faces a tough decision as they begin their virtual managerial career: do you start with a rich super-club such as Manchester United or Real Madrid, or do you instead try and lead a much more modest club up the football pyramid?

If you choose the latter option then you’re going to need to become an expert in the transfer market – and you’re almost certainly going to need to pick up a wonderkid or two on the cheap.

A wonderkid is a player aged 20 or below who has the potential to go on and become a world-class player in the game.

There are the usual recognisable names in our list – such as AC Milan’s Gianluigi Donnarumma, Paris Saint-Germain’s Kylian Mbappé and Atlético Madrid’s João Félix – but also some youngsters with a much smaller profile. Snap them up early, and they could help take your team to the next level.

Check the above gallery to see the top wonderkids in the game.

Football Manager 2020 was released on PC, Mac and Linux on November 19 2019.