
Formula 1 racing driver Nico Rosberg and wife Vivian introduce their baby daughter Alaia in HELLO!

Formula 1 racing driver Nico Rosberg will be living life even more in the fast lane following the birth of his baby daughter Alaia.

"It such a special experience, I feel very lucky," Nico, 30, exclusively tells HELLO!.

Read the full interview in this week's HELLO! magazine, on sale now in all good newsagents and available to download on iPad, android, kindle fire and more formats. Or subscribe today to make sure you don't miss an issue!

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"We are all doing great. It is a wonderful feeling, to now be three of us. I am happier than ever. It is great to come home from a race and to disconnect. Otherwise, everything in my life is about the races."

The German driver, who divides his time between Monaco and Ibiza with his interior designer wife Vivian, says that becoming parents has given their love a new dimension. "It's amazing to have this little person who is half me and half Vivian," says Nico of his daughter who, he says, has made him even more determined to be successful on the track.

"Alaia gives me wings on the racetrack. I hope that she will like to follow our sport and that she will be proud of what her father is doing."

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He is hoping to introduce Alaia to his neighbour, friend and fellow team-mate Lewis Hamilton, whom Nico has known since their early racing days when they were rivals on the karting circuit.

"Lewis will see Alaia shortly as we live in the same building," he says of his rival on the track. "What helps is that we’ve known each other for so many years and somehow we can always fall back on the respect and friendship from the past."

Read the full interview in HELLO! magazine, out now.