
Four Aireborough Muay Thai gym fighters set for Leeds showdown

From left-right: Rhys King, Felix Richardson,  Marcus Nutman and Roman Dunsford.
From left-right: Rhys King, Felix Richardson, Marcus Nutman and Roman Dunsford.


FOUR fighters from Alan Burnley’s Aireborough Muay Thai gym are keenly anticipating showcasing their skills and hopefully winning their fights on a major Leeds amateur show this coming Saturday.

“It’s a great learning experience for the lads who’ve been selected owing to their commitment to a demanding training schedule,’ said Burnley. “They’ve been matched based on age, weight, and previous fighting experience so that it’s competitive for both fighters. They’re all excited at the opportunity and determined to perform well.”

At 20, Rhys King with six years of training is the eldest. Roman Dunsford 17 and Marcus Nutman 14 are having their second bout with two years and eighteen months training respectively and for Felix Richardson 15 it’s his first after eight months at the club.

The Saturday event takes place at Queenswood Social club on Queenswood Drive Headingley starting at 12.30 pm and is organised by Richard and Lisa Smith of Bad Company gym.