
Gordon Strachan lifts the lid on drunken Man Utd carnage and telling off Gary McAllister

Gordon Strachan speaks about his playing days
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Gordon Strachan reminisced about his wild introduction to Manchester United, which involved a 'horrendous' night out and an unexpected ride in the boot of a car.

Sharing old tales with Jeff Stelling on the Football Greatest podcast, Strachan - who lifted the FA Cup during his first season at United from 1984 to 1989 - recounted a memorable evening spent with teammates Bryan Robson and Gordon McQueen.

He said: "Soon as I got to the club, he [Robson] came and picked me up - him and Gordon McQueen. They took me for a night out, which was horrendous - I came back in the boot of the car."

The Scottish football legend detailed how his wife Lesley discovered his whereabouts that night: "Lesley said, 'Where's Gordon?' and they opened the boot of the car and I was in there. First time I'd been drinking with anybody like that."

As the conversation with Jeff Stelling lightened, Strachan added a humorous twist: "She opened the door and went 'Ah right, the new George Best are we?" reports the Daily Record.

Strachan also shared a painful consequence of the raucous outing, saying: "And I burned my backside that night I was that drunk. You know these iron bars in your bathroom? I fell on that and burned my backside - I had a whole scar right up my backside."

In a jesting manner, Jeff enquired, "Did you know quickly not to do it again? " Strachan promptly replied, "Oh yes, absolutely. I never did that again. I quickly learned that I could appreciate them, love them, go out for a couple of beers with them, and then get home because they would make a mess of you. They were freaks of nature these two - well, Brian in particular."

On a different note within the podcast, Strachan paid tribute to some top-flight players he had the honour to play alongside like Gary McAllister at Leeds. Asked if he would extend a dinner invite to McAllister, Strachan clarified, "As long as he didn't have a drink."

"He's been a mate of mine for a long time, we're best of mates now and I love him. Absolutely love him. Again, I've had arguments with him - as a matter of fact, if Howard [Wilkinson] was picking two teams, he would put us against each other. It would be his team against my team because he knew how intense it is."

Pressed about the subject of their quarrels, Strachan mentioned it revolved around communication styles. He further explained: "He couldn't understand why everybody wasn't as gifted as him. You'd ask him about it and once he realised it, he got it and then the players started gravitating around him."

Stressing on sensitivity towards teammates, Strachan advised 'You can drive them on but you can't speak to people like that'.