
Greatest jiu-jitsu competitor of all time visiting Darlington club

The Roger Gracie Academy in Darlington is looking forward to welcoming one of the greatest ju-jistu practitioners of all time <i>(Image: RGA)</i>
The Roger Gracie Academy in Darlington is looking forward to welcoming one of the greatest ju-jistu practitioners of all time (Image: RGA)

The man that some consider to be the greatest ever jiu-jitsu competitor is coming to Darlington next month.

Jakub Nitsky, 33, is one of Roger Gracie's pupils and he has been running a jiu-jitsu academy in Darlington for more than one year.

In that time, the number of pupils at his academy has steadily grown and he has seen the positive impact it is having on the community.

He said he is excited to be welcoming his mentor to the Roger Gracie Academy, in Valley Street North, Darlington, on Wednesday, July 10.

Mr Nitsky said: "We have had a lot of interest in classes since opening.

"The kids classes are doing really well. I'm excited about Roger being up here because he is a good friend of mine.

"I'm excited for my students to meet him."

The 33-year-old trained with Mr Gracie in London in 2015 and he is a multiple International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation and UAE Jiu-Jitsu Federation medalist.

Mr Gracie is widely acknowledged as one of the greatest jiu-jitsu competitors to have ever stepped on a mat.

He is a 10 times Black Belt World Champion and a multiple MMA champion, one the most decorated fighters of the modern era and a member of the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation Hall of Fame.

Mr Nitsky described how beneficial it can be for people to walk through the club doors and try jiu-jitsu for the first time.

He said: "It is very scary walking through those doors for the first time.

The Roger Gracie Academy in Valley Street North, Darlington, has been open for more than a year (Image: RGA)

"We always try to greet people with a big smile and show them that this is not a scary place.

"We have really good facilities here, we have changing rooms and showers.

"We are like a family - once you have joined you won't want to stop.

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"Some people try it and then realise that they want to do it every day because they enjoy it so much.

"It could be the best decision in your life just to give it a go.

"It's really good for people's mental health and you never stop learning."