
Inverclyde Tartan Army members begin journey home after heartbreaking Euros exit

Stephen McEleny, inset, was ne of thousands of supporters who travelled to Germany <i>(Image: George Munro/PA)</i>
Stephen McEleny, inset, was ne of thousands of supporters who travelled to Germany (Image: George Munro/PA)

INVERCLYDE Tartan Army members are beginning the journey home from Germany today after Scotland exited the Euros in heartbreaking fashion.

Steve Clarke’s side crashed out of the tournament in Stuttgart last night thanks to a 100th-minute winner from Hungary’s Kevin Csoboth.

The result left Scotland at the bottom of group A on one point.

Stephen McEleny from Gourock was one of thousands of Scots who travelled to Germany this month.

Speaking after last night’s defeat, he said: “I really don’t have much to say about the game other than that we bottled it. The manager bottled it.

Andy Robertson and Steve Clarke (Image: PA)

“We’re now on the long journey home.

“We’re currently at Stuttgart airport, flying to Spain and then flying to Glasgow.”

Despite the result, Stephen and his fellow supporters enjoyed following the team from Munich to Cologne to Stuttgart over the past week and a half.

He added: “Stuttgart was another nice city but very different to Cologne “All the carry out shops shut on a Sunday, which was interesting.

“They obviously didn’t realise the Tartan Army were coming in such force.”