
Jamie Carragher sends Andy Burnham message and blasts politicians amid Everton takeover chaos

Sky Sports pundit Jamie Carragher.
Sky Sports pundit Jamie Carragher. -Credit:Photo by Marc Atkins/Getty Images

Jamie Carragher has challenged those who spoke up against Everton’s points deductions to explain why they did not take a similar stand regarding oligarch Alisher Usmanov’s involvement in the club.

The Uzbek billionaire was hit by UK government sanctions in 2022 in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine due to his ties with the Kremlin. As a result, Everton ended their relationships with USM and MegaFon - companies in which Usmanov was a major shareholder.

Amid substantial debts, Everton owner Farhad Moshiri agreed to sell a 94% majority stake to 777 Partners in September, although the takeover process has yet to be approved by the Premier League amid concerns over its ability to sustain the deal.

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Carragher has warned that Everton are sleepwalking into a meteoric crisis under 777, urging fans to not down protest tools after battling two separate points deductions this season. He noted the amount of high-profile voices who aired their criticism at the Premier League for the points deduction.

Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham, an avid Everton supporter, became a prominent figure in leading the club’s fight against Premier League regulations amid the passing of chairman Bill Kenwright in October and subsequent exits of board members.

The former England international indicated he had no issue with Burnham getting involved in the situation given his affiliation to the Blues, but questioned the prominence of other political figures during the points-deduction process given they had stayed quiet on Usmanov’s Everton involvement.

Writing in the Daily Telegraph, Carragher said: "[Everton fans] were terrified a points deduction would lead to relegation, and they found plenty of high-profile figures rallying to their cause.

“Manchester’s Mayor, Andy Burnham – who I know cares deeply about Everton – effectively became the interim chairman in the absence of any Goodison executives of real authority, [former CEO, Denise] Barrett-Baxendale eventually leaving the club and Kenwright having sadly passed away.

“I was more cynical when other politicians put themselves centre stage, playing to the gallery to perpetuate the idea that the Premier League is to blame for Everton’s predicament rather than the club itself.”

Carragher questioned: “Why were those influential voices so quiet when valid questions were raised about the extent of Usmanov’s involvement with Everton?

“Why are they not questioning how the club could find itself in such a financial mess, owing £225 million to Rights and Media Funding, paying 10.25 per cent interest on an £80 million loan taken in 2019? The figures are mind-blowing.

“And why are those influential voices so silent on whether 777 are truly ‘fit and proper’ custodians for their club? There should be indignation that an organisation with so many questions to answer is the preferred bidder.”

Carragher went on to call on said high-profile figures and Everton icons to demand more information on 777’s potential takeover. He added: “With respect, it should not be an ex-Liverpool player saying this.

“It should be those who hammered the PSR outcome and ex-Everton players shouting from the rooftops that Moshiri and 777 owe the supporters a full and detailed explanation as to why the Premier League is wrong to delay. If they can’t detail why this is a good deal for the club, how can Evertonians expect to be on board?”