
Jurgen Klopp sent parting message by Gabby Agbonlahor after 'mentality monsters' jibe

Gabby Agbonlahor talking into a microphone while sitting in the TalkSPORT studio
Gabby Agbonlahor sent a message to Jurgen Klopp -Credit:YouTube/TalkSPORT

Former Aston Villa striker Gabby Agbonlahor labelled Jurgen Klopp a legend, despite the Liverpool boss' infamous jibe at him.

The former England international, who is now a TalkSPORT pundit, was offered the opportunity to have one final passing shot at the German before he departs the Premier League. In the summer of 2022, Agbonlahor criticised Manchester United manager Erik ten Hag for a 4-0 defeat by Brentford, sparking a response from Klopp during a press conference.

Klopp seemed to take offence to Agbonlahor's comments and reminded him that Liverpool had inflicted one of Villa's worst defeats in Premier League history when they overcame the Midlanders 6-0 victory at Villa Park in 2016. Despite the fact Klopp said Agbonlahor was hardly a "mentality monster" and that he considered calling into the show to give him a piece of his mind, the 37-year-old chose not to breathe new life into their previous feud.

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Agbonlahor said on TalkSPORT on Thursday: "He had a bite! But he's a legend of the Premier League, he is a legend.

"I was watching something yesterday about him and what he's done for that football club against that Manchester City side, outstanding. Winning the Champions League as well and what he's done for a lot of people in Liverpool, their fanbase. He's a legend, isn't he? And he will be missed."

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Agbonlahor has often divided opinion with his on-air comments. Following United's defeat to Brentford in the summer of 2022, Agbonlahor didn't hold back, suggesting: "If I was them [United] now after this game I'd be thinking, 'You know what, Ten Hag, just pack up'."

Unbeknownst to him, Klopp was listening to his broadcast. Reflecting on that victory at Villa Park, Klopp said: "I drove home after watching the first half here [at the training ground] and I listened to talkSPORT and Gabby...

"He lost against us 6-0 in my first year, so I couldn't remember him as a mentality monster on the pitch then. But what he said about Man Utd in that show, I was close to calling in and telling him: 'You forgot completely that you were a player'.

"And if ex-players go already like this, you can imagine how everything else is going. You have to ask yourself how you want to react in a situation like this."

The Reds will play Wolves in what will be the final game of Klopp's tenure this Sunday.