
‘Killers of the Flower Moon’ Studio Cracks Down on Intermissions

REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni
REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni

Martin Scorsese’s sprawling 3-hour, 26-minute Killers of the Flower Moon gives little relief to moviegoers with small bladders and short attention spans—an issue some rogue movie theaters have taken it upon themselves to fix, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Some cinemas have added an intermission partway through the film, much to the dismay of Paramount and Apple, which produced the picture. Studio representatives told the theaters to knock it off, warning the breaks violated their licensing agreement. “People were big fans of it,” one theater employee was quoted as saying. “We were going to keep doing it going forward with longer movies, but now it doesn’t seem like an option.”

Read it at The Hollywood Reporter

Read more at The Daily Beast.